What are the soft elements of Mckinsey 7S Model? How these soft elements can be used in analyzing Medtronic ? Please email for Mckinsey 7S Analysis based on latest data of Medtronic Structure – How the organization is structured, what are the chain of command, how the authority and responsibilities are distributed, how activities and reporting relationship is structured, and the mechanism through which the organization coordinates all its activities. Systems – what are the technological systems put in place to smoothen the operations, what are the formal and informal procedures put in place to manage the organization, planning, budgeting, performance measurement, resource allocations, and management information systems (MIS).

Skills analysis and planning requires answering the following questions – Does the organization has required competencies and skills among its current work force to deliver organizational objectives, what are the new skills required, how those skills can be imparted among the employees in the organization, do the organization needs to make changes in procedures, systems, processes and technology to align them with skills of the employees.

Skills – It includes the competencies and capacities the human resources of the organization have. Staff – Who works in the organization, how the organization manages its human resources – recruit, selects, job profile specifications, career trajectories, training, and promotions. The organization style or culture includes – leadership style within the organization, dominant values and beliefs, work culture, informal network among employees, management style etc. Style / Culture – Each organization has its own culture which has evolved over a period of time. Shared values are the reason why the organization is doing what it is doing. Shared values include – the vision, mission, and values stateme that provide employees a common purpose. Shared Values are the core beliefs of an organization that are widely shared across the organization and are reason for its existence. How it is articulating and leveraging its competitive advantage. Strategy – What are the strategic trade-offs that the organization has made in the competitive environment. The 7S of Mckinsey’s 7S strategic framework are – Strategy, Structure, Systems, Skills, Staff, Style, and Shared Values What are the 7S of Mckinsey’s 7S Strategic Management Framework?